John Freiderick Japp (1836-1916)

Japp Family Genealogy

Fritz William Japp (1907-1984)

A past search on the website of Ellis Island shows that from the time they started keeping records in 1892, a total of 96 people with the last name of Japp arrived in America through Ellis Island. My ancestor arrived before that, so I'm sure that several others also arrived before 1892. I'll be happy to start a new line of ancestors, just send in your Japp genealogy information.

More branches of Japp families can be added to this site. Simply email in your Japp genealogy information starting with the oldest known Japp ancestor and their dates of birth, death, marriage, and location. I have seen Japp families listed on the internet in the USA, Britian, Germany, Canada, Scotland, and Australia.

What's New on this site for Japp Family Genealogy? Read on!

  • October 2017 - Some new Japp family information was sent and a new page has been created. This new branch has been added to the main page list. I've improved the look of that list and I will improve the new family's page as well.
  • ALSO, I have realized that the flash buttons don't appear on Apple iPhones and iPads, and Android phones and tablets. So because more people are using mobile devices and therefore to be compatible with more devices, I've changed the menu buttons to some plain ones that can appear on all browsers and devices.

  • December 2016 - Well, again, nothing new added but this site is still alive. Webhosting has been moved from Yahoo to AABACO Small Business which is now a separate portal from the email address. But I'm still here and if you have any new information to add or correct, email it to "jappgenealogy(at)" or use the flash button bar, bottom button, at the left side of this page.

  • July 2013 - Nothing new has been added in a while, so I'm updating this page to let readers know that this site is still active. I pay for this site every month. I hope my efforts are not ignored, so please send in information and improvements (especially old photos) when you can.

  • December 2012 - Hello! Wow, it's been a long time since I have needed to update this site. I have a new email address, so I had to update the flash buttons on the left side of the page. Please consider adding your branch of Japp families to this site to help all the others. Exact birthdates can be hidden on living Japp relatives.

  • August 2007 = I changed networks at home so my email address is now different. I had to update the flashbutton menu bar on each page, so I took the opportunity to try out a different button style as well. Also resized the text at the top of each page to better fit the larger menu bar buttons.

  • July 2007 = I recently learned that our ancestor who was killed in World War II has a VFW Post (Veteran's of Foreign Wars) in Upton, Wyoming, named after him because he was the only one of five brothers who did not return home from the war. I have made contact with the post director who will try to send some pictures of EDWIN H. JAPP and his brothers.

  • January 2007 = With another baby I don't have much time for research and website work. But I did find some time in the wee hours to make a new page for our Japp Family members who served in World War II.

  • December 2006? = Sometime along here I transferred the newest domain aquisition ( to another registar and have them forward arrivals to so that they both work. So now you have a shortcut! Using will forward you to!

  • November 2006 = I have been sent new genealogy information in the past few months as well as November. But I have not had the time to work on it for this site due to our new baby AND I had to take a course at our local university (where I graduated from 11 years ago). Infant care is very intensive. So I will get the new information on the site when I can.

  • October 2006 = Our 2nd contribution to Japp genealogy was born this month! Our son is now over 3-years-old and now we have a little baby girl!

  • September 2006 = Aquired the internet domain, "", from the previous owner at an auction because he allowed it to lapse. After his registration had expired, the domain went up for auction and I was the highest bidder. I have NOT been able to transfer it to my domain provider as of yet in order to get it active, so it's not working yet. (got it working later)

  • July 2006 = Added a new page, "Japp Cemetery", with photos by Scott Japp from the German cemeteries in east Nebraska. If would like to contribute more photos from Japp family cemeteries, use the email webmaster in the button bar above and you will receive photo credit.

  • Feb 2005 = Moved this site from the old domain ( to the new domain (

  • Feb 2004 = Well, now my son is 19-months-old! Also this site was down for a few months due to a mis-understanding with my ISP, the owners of the domain that I am sub-leasing. Now we are back and ready to dive into genealogy again.

  • June 2003 = I have been so busy! This month we added some more to Japp genealogy with the birth of my son, Thomas Michael Japp! I'm sure that in the comming months, not much will be done to this website as infant care is very intensive. However, when he is about 18-months, then I'm sure that I'll be able to work here more often, little by little. :-)

  • FEB-2003 = Laurel Paulson-Pierce has sent more information! Her great-aunt was BERTHA SCHRODER JAPP(1882-1975), wife of JOHN FREIDERICK JAPP{2}(1869-1962). Laurel provided data that was researched by her aunt, Elinor Jeannette (Elijean) Paulson George in 1983 for a Schroeder-Schröder family genealogy. Laurel scanned the genealogy data scheets that were made by Elinor and emailed them to me. These sheets included data on the children and grandchildren of John F. Japp(2).

  • JAN-2003 = Added frames to the site making navigation around much easier and created pages for other surnames, links, and this page for listing what is new here.

    Main Page|Photo Album|Heros of WWII|Generation 1|Generation 2|Generation 3|Generation 4|Generation 5
    Generation 6|Generation 7|Other Names|Unknown Japp|Cemetery|What's New|Site Purpose|Email Webmaster|Links